Vibha is working with the following objects that have
- To champion the cause of Bharatiya Heritage with a harmonious synthesis of physical and spiritual sciences which nourish each other and flourish together.
- To rejuvenate the Swadeshi Movement in this age of science and technology for the purpose of national reconstruction.
- To spearhead the Movement for Swadeshi Sciences and technologies such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Meditation, Organic Agriculture, Vastuvidya, Forestry, Astronomy, Environment, Engineering and the like.
- To activate the Science Movement with a Swadeshi fervor in all the Bharatiya languages and at all levels, also through the mass media.
- To spread the awareness of the unique contributions of ancient Bharat in the development of modern science.
- To motivate young scientists towards greater creativity and originality.
- To approach educational authorities for the inclusion of the information about the scientific heritage in all text books and curricular syllabus.
- To establish provincial branch units of “Vijnana Bharati” and co-ordinate their activities.
- To work towards the development of a common script and scientific terminology for all Bharatiya languages.
- To utilize the R&D personnel and Institutions towards development of Indigenous technology and thereby to uphold the identity and dignity of Bharatiya Science in the comity of nations.
- To interface with the Government and other agencies for the development of appropriate policies on education, economics, science, engineering, technology, industry and the like.
- To encourage the development of appropriate technologies suitable for Bharat, consuming less energy and less capital,but maximum labour with due eco-balance, for meeting the rural needs in a decentralized method to the fullest extent possible.
- To confer honors and fellowships on persons of eminence and erudition.
- To make Villages self-reliant by imparting traditional and rural technologies to the people.
- To help in giving modern interpretation of various scientific achievements, ancient and modern, by various means
- To organize science fairs and competitions for educating the masses at large, particularly the younger generation.
- To co-operate/associate with other organizations having similar objectives.
- To publish books and journals, and organize seminars and workshops etc. on the developments in Science & Technology and on policies towards development.
- To establish educational Institutions, training centers, and research establishments for the development and propagation of these programmes.
- To conduct entrepreneurship development programmes on the theme industries with indigenous technology.
- To do all such things and acts which are conducive to the promotions and achievements of the above objective.